Angular/React Development

Let's simply create the reusable components and build the foundational structure for your project so everything is ready to be integrated with your data or cooperate with you on the full web application build from the ground zero to the final product. No matter the size or complexity of the projecet, we are here to help.

Why AllBiz? Because we provide.

Angular Development

Angular is a front-end framework that is focused on simplicity.We love Angular so much that we're even sponsoring it.

React Development

React has taken over the front-end development in the past few years. Let's help convering your web app designs using React.

Reusable Components

We'll divide your Vue or React app into small and reusable components that are easy to compose down the road.

Static Data Files

You don't have the API ready yet? No worries. We will create static data files, that you can later use to build your API, or switch with them with your real data.

UI Frameworks

We have experience with most UI frameworks, such as PrimeNg,NgBootstrap, React Bootstrap, MaterialUI. We will use the one you prefer.

React JSX

HTML and Javascript belong together. Implementing the markup into Javascript allows us to enjoy the power that Javascript holds to the fullest.

File-system Routing

Next.js and Nuxt.js has a file-system based router built on the concept of pages. When a file is added to the pages directory it's automatically available as a route.

State Management

We are fond of the Flux pattern and well aware of the most popular Elm-inspired state management solutions such as Redux and Vuex.

SEO / Page-Speed

Some web apps may need SEO. That's fine. Get statically generated pages, optimized for SEO and page speed, using Next.js, Nuxt.js, or Gatsby.

ES2015, Webpack & Babel

Arrow functions, modules, spreading, classes, generators, and all the latest Javascript syntax & features applied right on your projects.

React Native

Need a native iOS / Android application? Let our team help you. The result - fully functional native app build with JavaScript.

Foundational Structure

We take care of the initial structure of the project, to make sure your apps will run fast and would be scalable enough for your needs.

You will need to provide

We have an experienced team of Angular/React developers who are ready to create web and mobile applications for your business. The amazing part is, they are ready to experiment and create out-of-the-box Angular/React web applications and React Native Android/iOS applications thereby perfecting your requirements.

  • Angular/React Web Development
  • Angular/React Mobile App Development
  • Angular/React Native Mobile App Development
  • Angular/React eCommerce Application Development

Angular/React Development Process

Step 1

Place an Order

Just give us your design files and requirements and we will take it from there.

Step 2


We’ll work up the specs and give you a quote and the delivery time.

Step 3


Our pros will swing into action and craft your HTML5 / CSS3 markup.

Step 4


We thoroughly test your markup in all modern browsers, on all platforms and devices.

Step 5


Your absolutely flawless, fully-functional WordPress site is delivered it to you.

Get Our Service

Please get in touch and our expert support team will answer all your questions.